Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Winter Déjà vu

I suppose an "Alberta Clipper" is preferable to a "Polar Vortex" invasion. The fresh coating of snow (4" to 5" around here), was definitely more than 3" because the township sent the plow through. Earlier today the trees in the yard looked like this.

 snow covered cedars
 snow covered cedars         © harrington

The existing tracks in the snow-covered fields have all been filled in with fresh flakes. Speaking of flakes, take a look at these pictures and think about the idea that every flake that came down is different from every other. Is that still assumed to be true, or did some supersmart person prove it's mathematically impossible? The answer would appear to be "it depends" (an echo of the question "What is the meaning of is?"). Anyhow, it will be interesting and fun to see where the deer wander next and who else is visiting the neighborhood. One thing about light fluffy snow, though, is that it's hard to tell what made tracks in it. The impressions are soft and fuzzy (not to be confused with warm fuzzies, this is snow we're talking about after all). This afternoon's pleasant surprise is that there's some blue in the sky, although the afternoon sun is still cloud-covered. That doesn't keep one of the neighbor's properties from looking scenic as all get out under our snow cover.

scenic neighborhood
scenic neighborhood       © harrington

Lest we forget, snow falls gently from time to time to the far south of those of us who live in the North Country.

The Night of the Snowfall

By Mo H. Saidi 

Snow falls gently in the Hill Country
covering the meadows and the valleys.
The sluggish streaks of smoke climb quietly
from the roofs but fail to reach the lazy clouds.

On Alamo Plaza in the heart of the night
and under the flood of lights, the flakes float
like frozen moths and glow like fireflies.
They drop on the blades of dormant grass.

They alight on the cobblestones and live awhile
in silence, they dissolve before dawn.
The wet limestone walls of the mission
glow proudly after the night of snowfall.

Thanks for listening. Come again when you can. Rants, raves and reflections served here daily.

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