Friday, March 21, 2014

The sun'll come out -- tomorrow?

Take a look out your window. Unless you have plane or train tickets to somewhere warm, this is about as good as it gets for the next week or so. You could go and check out the Spring flowers at the Como Conservatory, or, you can check wherever you buy flowers to see if they have any forsythia bunches blooming. Last weekend I displayed some rare common sense when I asked my better half to see if she could find some forsythia while she was shopping. I volunteered to pay for a couple of bunches. They really help the living area take on an aura of Spring.

forsythia blooming for Spring
Spring decorations              © harrington

We have a forsythia bush in the front yard that needs to be transplanted or replaced. We have well draining soil in abundance, but the full sunlight that makes forsythia happy will never reach the plan in front of the house, shaded from the western sun by the house and from eastern and southern sunlight by some tall oaks and white pines. This is the year I want to will get a forsythia and lilac planted where they belong and we can see and smell them on Spring and Summer evenings. I'm starting to think and act a bit more like "the man who planted trees." If you haven't read it, you might want to check it out someday soon. Here's a link to one version. Claude McKay offers another way to respond to a Winter such as we've just had.

After the Winter

By Claude McKay 

Some day, when trees have shed their leaves
     And against the morning’s white
The shivering birds beneath the eaves
     Have sheltered for the night,
We’ll turn our faces southward, love,
     Toward the summer isle
Where bamboos spire the shafted grove
     And wide-mouthed orchids smile.

And we will seek the quiet hill
     Where towers the cotton tree,
And leaps the laughing crystal rill,
     And works the droning bee.
And we will build a cottage there
     Beside an open glade,
With black-ribbed blue-bells blowing near,
     And ferns that never fade.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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