Thursday, December 14, 2017

The solstice season approaches

We've been enjoying snow showers off and on all day. Christmas shopping isn't quite all done, but we think we can see the end of it from here. Our dogs have almost forgiven us for abandoning them to the Daughter Person [DP] and Son-In-Law [SIL] for a whole week. But they (the dogs) don't want to let us get too far away or out of sight.

the one in the middle is a slow starter
the one in the middle is a slow starter
Photo by J. Harrington

The amaryllises haven't yet started to bloom, but two of the three on the windowsill have grown the lance shaped stem that should eventually produce a flower. The third one is definitely a slow starter. We may end up with an Easter amaryllis.

soon, we will celebrate the turning of the sun
soon, we will celebrate the turning of the sun
Photo by J. Harrington

Downy woodpeckers once again are visiting the refilled suet feeders and a pileated stopped by briefly this morning. The Spirit of Christmas is slowly settling over the land, at least we hope so. The Winter Solstice is one week away. We'll probably pass on burning the back yard brush pile and settle for a fire in the portable fire pit the DP and SIL bought awhile back. We're not quite sure whether it's our Celtic heritage reasserting itself or something else, but our pagan leanings seem to get stronger as we age.

                     Winter Solstice

A cold night crosses
our path
                  The world appears
very large, very
round now       extending
far as the moon does
                                        It is from
the moon this cold travels
                                        It is
the light of the moon that causes
this night reflecting distance in its own
light so coldly
                                          (from one side of
the earth to the other)
                                        It is the length of this coldness
It is the long distance
between two points which are
not in a line        now
                                       not a
straightness       (however
straight) but a curve only,
silver that is a rock reflecting
                                                      not metal
but a rock accepting
                     (a scream in silence
where between the two
points what touches
is a curve around the world
                                                      (the dance unmoving).

new york, 1969

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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