Friday, August 10, 2018

VOTE (on or before next Tuesday)

Minnesota's Primary Election is next Tuesday. We think there's still an option to vote early, although the link provided in a Tweet from/by the MNDFL implies our local option is only next Tuesday. We still lean toward democratic candidates, but these days declare ourselves an independent. An opinion piece in The Guardian helps explain one of our fundamental disagreements with the current version of the Democratic party. We're interested in what the Democrats are in favor of, not just that they oppose what's-his-face in the White House. We're also annoyed that the Bernie-Hillary "he said-she said" pissing contest continues among their adherents. We've just about reached a firm conclusion that, among other improvements, the US needs either ranked choice voting (and if that's too complicated for some people, we also need a much improved public education system) or a parliamentary system instead of just two major parties. Would we be satisfied with only two national newspapers? How about only two channels on television? Two music stars per genre? Two book publishers? Are you getting the drift? With only two, one is always faced with not much more than a Hobson's choice, and very, very limited improvements due to competition between the parties.

memento of 2016, another coming soon
memento of 2016, another coming soon
Photo by J. Harrington

Of course, that line of reasoning(?) is brought to you by one who is increasingly convinced that a single payer system or medicare for all arrangement is what we need for our health care system. "Consistency is the hob goblin of small minds!" We have a number of major institutions in our republic that are not serving us real citizens nearly as well as they are serving those corporate legal persons who, if they are to enjoy the expanded legal status they currently have, should also be subject to the death penalty, in our opinion.

When we were much younger, a common saying was that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. That seems particularly true in a democracy. We were less than thrilled with our options in 2016, but we held our nose and voted. (See picture above). We're planning on voting next Tuesday and again in the general election come November. To drag out, and modify, another old bromide, we're not about to ever join 'em, so we'll just keep trying to find a way to lick 'em.

Why I Voted the Socialist Ticket

I am unjust, but I can strive for justice.
My life’s unkind, but I can vote for kindness.
I, the unloving, say life should be lovely.
I, that am blind, cry out against my blindness.

Man is a curious brute—he pets his fancies—
Fighting mankind, to win sweet luxury.
So he will be, though law be clear as crystal,
Tho’ all men plan to live in harmony.

Come, let us vote against our human nature,
Crying to God in all the polling places
To heal our everlasting sinfulness
And make us sages with transfigured faces.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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