Thursday, May 26, 2022

Waddle you have?

This morning, around sixish, I looked out a window to see a mallard drake waddling the slope behind the house. In past years we’ve had ducks, and geese, checking out the “wet spot” behind the house, especially when the water was much higher than it is this year. Mr. Mallard, however, was headed toward the largest of the brush piles in the field that passes for a back yard. I have no idea what he thought he was looking for, but as I watched I noticed a hen mallard had accompanied him. She blended into the green and brown grasses mix much better than the drake, which is why we’d failed to notice her until later. The pair of them reminded me of the classic children’s story Make Way for Ducklings. Then, as I opened the door to the deck to hang bird feeders, I disturbed the ducks and they disappeared. We enjoyed the visit and hope they come again.

Mrs. & Mr. Mallard in the back yard
Mrs. & Mr. Mallard in the back yard
Photo by J. Harrington

On the bird feeding front, the other evening we noticed an indigo bunting at the squirrel-proof feeder. Yesterday, a scarlet tanager checked it out. Today there were, at one time, three male rose-breasted grosbeaks. The Baltimore orioles are sticking to the nectar feeder and the grape jelly, the latter also appears to attract chickadees but we can’t tell if they’re consuming or just curious.

I can’t decide if the stock market or the weather is presenting more of a roller coaster ride these days. Yesterday’s high temperature was about 50℉. We’re forecast to reach 80℉ on Saturday and near 90℉ on Monday. Forty degree temperature swings in less than a week is not unheard of in the North Country, but neither is it normal. Trying to keep my closet in order has gotten to be near impossible.


I wish I could keep my thoughts in order
and my ducks in a row.
I wish I could keep my ducks in a thought
or my thoughts in a duck.
My point is that we all exist, wetly, in the hunt.
The ducks are aware of this
in their own way, which is floating.
The way of the mind is brevity.
There may be other thoughts on other days
in the minds of other and better men
and their constant companions, the women,
but these same tidy capsules — never.
This is just one of the things
I noticed about my thoughts
as they passed easefully by.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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