Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Are two seasons enough?

I have read that the ancients only recognized two seasons, summer and winter. This year Minnesota’s weather makes me think we should return to those ancient ways. Last winter was the wettest on record and the third snowiest in our area. Several places set snowfall records. And, for all time records, we only have one month in which it hasn’t snowed.

Another way to look at it is that Minnesotans joke there are only two seasons: winter and road construction. Many of us find that too true to be funny although, with some minor adjustments, it would accurately reflect what’s reported of the ancients.

Spring? Summer? Autumn? Winter?
Spring? Summer? Autumn? Winter?
Photo by J. Harrington

As this is written, we’ve gone from an extended period of below normal temperatures through a three-day phase of well-above normal temps, back to below normal. The upcoming week may begin to approximate seasonal temperatures, or it may not.

We’ve had about twice as much precipitation year to date as normal but are also under a red flag fire watch. A few days with some sunshine will be followed by five days or so of more precipitation starting this coming weekend.

The point I’m working toward is that climate and weather have become too variable and volatile. Trying to use four seasons to pattern our North Country weather is becoming undoable (I think that’s the technical term.). We could simplify things by reverting to Beltane (May 1) as the beginning of summer (light half) and Samhain (end of October/start of November) begins winter (dark half). That seems to match fairly well with road construction and winter. Maybe next legislative session we can get a bill introduced to make life simpler, at least in some ways, and reduce the official seasons to two. They coulld eliminate the daylight savings time change while they’re at it.


Clouds so thick 
they put down 

Young aspen 

Incoming geese 
Periwinkle sign passports 
brings remission with a V 
of the blues 

Feel the sun 
butting the buds 

Trout lilies nod expand 
they know the sky 
they know 

a scent by which 
we mark the calendar 

Weather report 
May? showers 
By all means and fresh rainbows 
Yes. You May 


of summer 

Loon cries 
increase the loneliness 
of lakes 

It’s untrue 
They leave that that bats 
to the silence make it darker 
of owls 

Morning warblers 
the joy of hearing 

Comes the hedgehog 
And the bumblebee who lives on pins 
non-aerodynamic and needles 

Horses stand 
in the setting sun 

Nighthawks if you can 
swoop the firefly’s flash 
gathering the evening 


Prophetic winds fill 
the graveyard 
with signposts 

Then a scurry 
of stormspurred 

A lamentation of geese 
Hummingbird leaves in the early 
to cruise dusk 
the Carribean 

their acorn accounts 

Cedar waxwing 
Blue jay insists feathered scholar 
it’s never too late knows his berries 
to scold 

predicts a turn 
for the worse 

Flies buzz 
in this cast-iron against the chill 
autumn pane 
stained with rust 


Fly husks on sills 
the year’s demise 

Ptarmigan advises 
go back-goback” 

Deer bundle 
Coyote lingers in the laurel 
to school us thickets 
in survival 

Fashionable spruce 
knows how 
to wear snow 

Strange angels 
Frostfeathers leave their three-D 
lace shadows 
the cabin glass 

Cabin Fever 
runs low 

Days does 
begin the woodpile 
to lengthen

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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