Monday, April 10, 2017

An "Ask" of the Governor! #NPM17 #phenology

Saturday brought us the first hornet of the year. Something bushy, brushy in front of the house, has leafed out. I need to go take a close look at what it is. I don't think it's buckthorn, because the buckthorn in the patch of woods behind the house hasn't leafed out yet. The rain has barely dampened things around here. We need a good soaking. Rain later today is forecast to turn into slushy snow tonight. I suppose it could be, and has been, worse. Here's what April 16, 2014 looked like on our deck. Poor juncos!

April's weather is fickle, at best, in the Midwest
April's weather is fickle, at best, in the Midwest
Photo by J. Harrington

On this tenth day of National Poetry Month, I've honored the Academy of American Poets suggestion to "Ask your governor or mayor for a proclamation in support of National Poetry Month." (I  Tweeted a request this morning to Governor Mark Dayton  and, for insurance, asked Lieutenant Governor Tina Flint Smith  to ask the Governor to make the proclamation. Feel free to join in the request. Maybe we can even get it trending.

A quick glance at yesterday's posting makes it clear that poetry is a major part of Minnesota's culture. The arts, including poetry, are a significant contributors to Minnesota's economy. Think about The Loft, Milkweed Editions, Coffee House Press, Holy Cow Press, and all the Independent Book Stores in Minnesota. I think their contributions, and that of the writers and readers who keep the publishers and sellers busy deserve recognition and a proclamation is an easy way to do it.

Spring Storm

The sky has given over 
its bitterness. 
Out of the dark change 
all day long 
rain falls and falls 
as if it would never end. 
Still the snow keeps 
its hold on the ground. 
But water, water 
from a thousand runnels! 
It collects swiftly, 
dappled with black 
cuts a way for itself 
through green ice in the gutters. 
Drop after drop it falls 
from the withered grass-stems 
of the overhanging embankment.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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