Saturday, September 19, 2020

What "other cheek" asked the Blue Tsunami

First, we extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and admirers of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We're empathetic to the sense of loss being widely felt because we suspect it's similar to how we felt at the loss of both Jack, and later, Bobby Kennedy many years ago. Although we believe it seems a little harsh, we agree with the observation of a naturalized New Englander, Robert Frost, who noted:

    In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

Today, actually, I believe, sunset yesterday, was the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish new year. From what I've read in the past day, "A Jewish teaching says those who die just before the Jewish new year are the ones God has held back until the last moment bc they were needed most & were the most righteous."

from 2018: your voice, your vote USE IT

It is now up to those of us still alive to go on and carry on the great and important work Ginsburg undertook. If this work ever becomes unnecessary, it will mean that the earth and humans have been perfected. I'm not worried about running out of things to do, are you?

In the immediate future, I'm anticipating disorder, chaos, hostility and similar efforts by tRUMPsters and MAGAts and Republicans. Liberals and other sane people will be baited in an unabated fashion. I hope to avoid overreacting but likewise refuse to turn the  other cheek. My "big picture" is that whole bunches of humans with very different tastes and values and preferences are now cohabiting (and destroying) earth, and the two most important things we can do (not necessarily in this order) are:1) learn to get along; and, 2) continue to restore the damage we've already done. Otherwise we will bequeath our descendants a hellish existence for which they will righteously curse us, but to no avail. It's a case of the old "can't put toothpaste back in the tube; or the bullet back in the barrel; or the angry or hateful words back in the mouth."

With luck, we might be able to begin by having Democratic leadership ease up on worrying so much about whether some Republicans might not like them if they actually obstructed some of the tRUMP regime's nefarious schemes, starting with ensuring no action on filling a SCOTUS seat until the 2020 POTUS election, and that of Congress, are settled.

My Life Was the Size of My Life

My life was the size of my life.
Its rooms were room-sized,
its soul was the size of a soul.
In its background, mitochondria hummed,
above it sun, clouds, snow,
the transit of stars and planets.
It rode elevators, bullet trains,
various airplanes, a donkey.
It wore socks, shirts, its own ears and nose.
It ate, it slept, it opened
and closed its hands, its windows.
Others, I know, had lives larger.
Others, I know, had lives shorter.
The depth of lives, too, is different.
There were times my life and I made jokes together.
There were times we made bread.
Once, I grew moody and distant.
I told my life I would like some time,
I would like to try seeing others.
In a week, my empty suitcase and I returned.
I was hungry, then, and my life,
my life, too, was hungry, we could not keep
our hands off       our clothes on   
our tongues from


Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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