Friday, December 3, 2021

hooked on Christmas

Today’s trip to not one but two fly-fishing shops, Bob Mitchell’s in St. Paul and Mend Provisions in Minneapolis, was every bit as much fun as we hoped it would be. There’s a whole different vibe to a fly shop compared to a section in a sporting goods store that sells gear for fly fishing. It’s similar to the distinction between a relationship that's transactional versus relational. Plus, since winter fly fishing can be a real challenge in Minnesota, although doable if weather and water cooperate, we’ll plan on a visit to one or both of these shops every five or six weeks during our frozen water season. That should help keep our spirits up until we purchase 2022 fishing licenses and the Minnesota stream trout season opens next mid-April. All in all, the Better Half and I spent the morning believing we’ve begun an early Christmas celebration that may last most of next year.

bead-head nymphs
bead-head nymphs
Photo by J. Harrington

Did you get to visit a penny candy store when you were young? Did you ever experience the anguish of decided how to spend a whole nickel on penny candy? Have you ever been to an ice cream shop with 26 or so flavors and tried to decide which flavor you wanted most? That’s how I feel when staring at a whole tray full of little bins with dry flys or nymphs in them. I know better than to do an “I’ll take one of these and one of those and...” but that is how I feel while considering the many options. Even if I walk away without having purchased anything, it was fun thinking about.

On the off chance that you’re bothered by all this fishing stuff at Christmas time, please remember who it was that called on followers to be fishers of men. Also, Christmas arrives near the winter solstice, the shortest days and therefore the darkest time of year. Anything we can do to raise our spirits without hurting others is fair game. Just ask Mr. Scrooge.

The Trout

 - 1874-1925

          Naughty little speckled trout,
          Can't I coax you to come out?
          Is it such great fun to play
          In the water every day?

          Do you pull the Naiads' hair
          Hiding in the lilies there?
          Do you hunt for fishes' eggs,
          Or watch tadpoles grow their legs?

          Do the little trouts have school
          In some deep sun-glinted pool,
          And in recess play at tag
          Round that bed of purple flag?

          I have tried so hard to catch you,
          Hours and hours I've sat to watch you;
          But you never will come out,
          Naughty little speckled trout!

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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