Monday, February 20, 2023

Happy National Love Your Pet Day!

Of course, we love our pets every day, if not every minute of the day. SiSi and Harry believe we don’t love them enough because we aren’t willing to feed them 24 X 7 X 365, whenever they’re awake. They also have some doubts about Mother Nature this week since the fresh snow on the ice-covered driveway is very slippery even if you have claws on your toes. Plus, when the snow melts and things get damp, like awhile ago, everything smells better, or at least has more smells.

SiSi (left) and Harry (right)
SiSi (left) and Harry (right)
Photo by J. Harrington

Our two dogs help a lot at keeping me at least minimally grounded and honest, but in minus 20 wind chills and/or blowing snow, I have no tolerance for sniffing expeditions and dawdling, checking for who’s been here. We continue to have discussions about terms and conditions for dog walking. No matter how curmudgeonly I’ve been about not getting frostbite while they sniff around, all is forgiven when I fill the food dishes.

With the ice on the driveway, I’ve been dutifully wearing yaktrax on my stormtrackers. Today’s fresh snow over the existing ice promptly clogged the yaktrax and made the ice even more slippery. We, the dogs and I, barely made it back to the house in one piece (actually, in three pieces) and we’ve several more days of snowfall coming this week. All, or at least most, of us in my household are looking forward to spring when we can enjoy being out with our pets on bare ground and going for longer, more pleasant walks, at least until the deer flies arrive.

[Full disclosure: the Better Half has a couple of goldfish in a tank, but I’m not convinced they qualify as pets.]

April Is a Dog's Dream

april is a dog's dream
the soft grass is growing
the sweet breeze is blowing
the air all full of singing feels just right
so no excuses now
we're going to the park
to chase and charge and chew
and I will make you see
what spring is all about

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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