Saturday, June 29, 2024

We need a better system

Today’s posting is going to be short and not so sweet. Sorry!

Many pundits are commenting on the problems associated with the recent SCOTUS decision resulting in the demise of the Chevron deference. I would note that the Chevron deference has been in place for 40 years during which time the definition of Waters of the United States has been kicked from pillar to post and up and down many stairs in Washington, D.C.’s august buildings, without resolution. Meanwhile, our sources of “clean” water continue to be diminished as the effects of climate weirding continue to disrupt historic hydrologic cycles. Legal decisions, whether from legislative bodies and/or courts, with or without experts, have real world consequences, as does any lack of wisdom in such decisions. Perhaps it’s time to reflect on Shakespeare’s assessment:

Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

Is it possible that we have corrupted our application of some of the fundamental premises of federalism as practiced by the Iroquois? As things stand today, I can see fatal flaws in decisions by all three sectors and at the federal, state and local levels. Should we see what ChatGPT has to say? Are algorithms the equivalent of consensus? When does SCOTUS have to have a supermajority, like the Senate to overcome a filibuster?

My Wisdom

When people have a lot
they want more
When people have nothing
they will happily share it
Some people say
never getting your way
builds character
By now our character must be
deep and wide as a continent
Africa, Australia
giant cascade of stars
spilling over our huge night
Where did the power go?
Did it enjoy its break?
Is power exhausted?
What is real power?
Who really has power?
Did the generator break?
Do we imagine silence
more powerful because
it might contain everything?
Quiet always lives
inside noise.
But does it get much done?
Silence waits
for truth to break it
Calendars can weep too
They want us to have better days
Welcome to every minute
Feel lucky you’re still in it
No bird builds a wall
Sky purse
Won’t give up
our hopes
            for anything!
Not your fault
You didn’t make the world
How dare this go on and on?
cried the person who believed in praying
God willing     God willing        God willing
There were others who prayed
   to ruins & stumps
Open palms
     hold more
Refuse to give
      too much power
Annoying person?
Person who told me to stay home
and do what other girls do?
If you disappeared
I still might miss you
Babies want to help us
They laugh
for no reason
Pay close attention to
a drop of water
on the kitchen table
You cannot say one word about religion
and exclude Ahmad

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