Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Weathering August

I finally managed to get some mowing done in the back yard. The tractor was moving slowly enough that a frog had no trouble jumping out of the way and into the water in the wet spot behind the house. We tore up a little of the still damp soil in areas that need reseeding anyhow. More rain is in the forecast for later today and tonight. Sigh! NOAA’s early forecast for the upcoming winter keeps our part of Minnesota wetter than usual. At least so far I’ve not had to shovel the rain.

Also on the home front, today we translocated a third chipmunk that’s tried setting up house under the front stoop. That’s about one a week for the past three weeks. Would that we could reduce the mole/vole/pocket gopher population as quickly and easily as live trapping chipmunks.

bees tending Giant Blue Hyssop
bees tending Giant Blue Hyssop
Photo by J. Harrington

Multitudes of bumblebees are visiting the Blue Giant Hyssop flowers in the yard. There are a few small clusters of flowers on the lilac bushes. Within the past week, several ruby-throated hummingbirds have begun battling over the feeder hanging from the deck. Morning temperatures are running in the mid50’s. The return of joy to the Democratic presidential campaign is almost giving me some hope for the future. Maybe it will turn into a joy filled autumn for many of US. Stay tuned.

For the Chipmunk in My Yard

I think he knows I’m alive, having come down 
The three steps of the back porch 
And given me a good once over. All afternoon 
He’s been moving back and forth,
Gathering odd bits of walnut shells and twigs, 
While all about him the great fields tumble 
To the blades of the thresher. He’s lucky 
To be where he is, wild with all that happens. 
He’s lucky he’s not one of the shadows 
Living in the blond heart of the wheat.
This autumn when trees bolt, dark with the fires 
Of starlight, he’ll curl among their roots, 
Wanting nothing but the slow burn of matter 
On which he fastens like a small, brown flame.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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