Sunday, January 10, 2016

A picture is worth...

The Better Half and I enjoyed a coffee date this morning at Taylors Falls Coffee Talk. Funniest thing, we drank coffee and talked. On the drive home we stopped to add air to each of the tires on the Outback. The drop in pressure due to cold weather triggered the low air warning light. The afternoon was spent getting a half dozen photos cropped and uploaded for printing. If they're delivered in time, I'm hoping they'll be accepted for a local artists' show later this month. I'm not sure yet if the online service can get the photos printed and delivered in time for submission. If not, I'll have some for the next show and the BH will have wall art for her office for awhile. There's not enough hours in the day to do all I'd like so the blog postings are shorter these days.

Coffee Talk at Taylors Falls
Coffee Talk at Taylors Falls
Photo by J. Harrington

Water Legacy sent us a nice email thank you for My Minnesota's "thoughtful coverage of the sulfide mining issue..." I believe places like this are worth protecting, don't you?

Thank you from Water Legacy

On that topic, once again Aaron Brown has some interesting thoughts on how folks on the Iron Range can make a living and still protect their (and our) environment. Here's a sample:
"Our Iron Range quest should be equally simple. We want a diverse, sustainable local economy. A big goal isn’t something you do all at once. There are thousands and thousands of steps that must come first. The best time to start is now."
When I was a practicing planner, before I became a recovering planner, I learned that "more of the same never solved a problem." That certainly seems true of mining in Northern Minnesota.


By Barbara Guest 

In the past we listened to photographs. They heard our voice speak.   
Alive, active. What had been distance was memory.    Dusk came,
Pushed us forward,   emptying the laboratory   each night undisturbed by   

      In the city of X, they lived together. Always morose, her lips
soothed him. The piano was arranged in the old manner, light entered the   
window, street lamps at the single tree.

      Emotion evoked by a single light on a subject is not transferable to   
photographs of the improved city. The camera, once
commented freely amid rivering and lost gutters of treeless parks or avenue.   
The old camera refused to penetrate the unknown. Its heart was soft,   

      Now distributed is photography of new government building. We are   
forbidden to observe despair silent in old photographs. 

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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