Saturday, March 4, 2017

Coming in to bloom

Last night, actually, late afternoon, as we headed out for dinner, the local skies were full of low-flying Canada geese on their way to nearby corn fields for their own dinners. In all the time we've lived here, I've never seen as many geese as we did yesterday. So now we have greater than normal numbers of geese arriving much earlier than normal as a warmer than normal Minnesota Winter winds down. Those hoaxers helping Chinese manufacturers have been busy and creative. Long term what does all this mean. I doubt very much anyone knows, just as I doubt the geese are in on the hoax. I only know of one silly goose that thinks global warming is a Chinese and he pulled an even greater scam on the American voters who elected him.

forced forsythia in bloom
forced forsythia in bloom
Photo by J. Harrington
crocus still growing
crocus still growing
Photo by J. Harrington

On a brighter side, the forsythia branches blossomed beautifully over night; the hyacinths continue to bloom and the crocuses are still growing so we can look forward to their blooms someday soon. And, a book of poetry I picked up yesterday turned out to be even more delightful than anticipated. Can you tell I'm trying to train myself to focus on the positive, even the superior, in life?

a very satisfying find at Common Good Books
a very satisfying find at Common Good Books
Photo by J. Harrington

For You O Democracy

By Walt Whitman

Come, I will make the continent indissoluble,
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever shone upon,
I will make divine magnetic lands,
                   With the love of comrades,
                      With the life-long love of comrades.

I will plant companionship thick as trees along all the rivers of America, and along the shores of the great lakes, and all over the prairies,
I will make inseparable cities with their arms about each other’s necks,
                   By the love of comrades,
                      By the manly love of comrades.

For you these from me, O Democracy, to serve you ma femme!
For you, for you I am trilling these songs.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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