Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Any day now ...

We're pleased to report that both ponds up the road are now ice free. Open water season is beginning. We've seen speculation that ice out on area lakes may be a week or ten days earlier than usual this year, The pond on the West side of the road held a pair of wood ducks this morning. Perhaps it's the same pair that set up housekeeping somewhere in the neighborhood last year.

early April flock of wood ducks on a local pond
early April flock of wood ducks on a local pond
Photo by J. Harrington

Yesterday we managed to prune several dead branches from a large pine tree in front of the house, plus three or four branches from an oak behind the house. The oak branches kept catching the ROP bar on the tractor every time we tried to mow under them. That wasn't good either for the tractor or the branches and we wanted to be sure to finish that chore, and any related oak pruning, before the oak wilt unsafe season begins in April.

We've not yet seen hide nor feather of a red-winged blackbird nor a robin, nor any pussy willows. Perhaps, if we go for a local drive this afternoon...? It seems as if the sudden outburst of warmer than usual temperatures, coming close on the heels of a polar vortex, caught many of the Spring transitions off-guard, although we've read reports and seen pictures of huge flocks of snow and white-fronted geese moving north across western Minnesota and large flocks of sandhill cranes heading north over western Illinois and central Wisconsin. We've seen a few small flocks of cranes, don't expect to see any snow geese in our neck of the woods, and believe (hope?) the bulk of the waterfowl migration will arrive soon.


In the north country now it is spring and there 
Is a certain celebration. The thrush 
Has come home. He is shy and likes the 
Evening best, also the hour just before 
Morning; in that blue and gritty light he 
Climbs to his branch, or smoothly 
Sails there. It is okay to know only 
One song if it is this one. Hear it 
Rise and fall; the very elements of you should 
Shiver nicely. What would spring be 
Without it? Mostly frogs. But don’t worry, he

Arrives, year after year, humble and obedient 
And gorgeous. You listen and you know 
You could live a better life than you do, be 
Softer, kinder. And maybe this year you will 
Be able to do it. Hear how his voice 
Rises and falls. There is no way to be 
Sufficiently grateful for the gifts we are 
Given, no way to speak the Lord’s name 
Often enough, though we do try, and

Especially now, as that dappled breast 
Breathes in the pines and heaven’s 
Windows in the north country, 
Now spring has come, 
Are opened wide.

Mary Oliver

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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