Friday, May 28, 2021

Some died to protect US, others won't even vote to do so!

As we begin Memorial Day weekend, the US Senate took a vote on the establishment of a fact-finding, bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol. If you want to know which senators support democracy, which are pro-fascism, and who didn't believe it important enough to take a position, follow this link. As most (all?) of US would have expected, both of Minnesota's senators voted in favor of democracy. I am ashamed of those who voted against the commission and appalled by those who failed to vote at all, which included two Democrats!

Statue of Liberty from front. by Derek Jensen (Tysto), 2004-September-26

There is speculation the House could establish a "select committee" now that the bipartisan legislation has failed in the Senate. It would be a pleasant surprise if the Democrats ever acted that assertively. I am at a loss to envision how we get better quality politicians until we have higher quality voters and even more at a loss how we achieve that. I'm truly sorry to have to share such a gloomy report at the start of a holiday weekend on which we are supposed to be honoring those who have served our country well. Let's not ever confuse honoring those who have actually served in our armed forces with the hypocrisy of many who claim to be serving us through politics. It just ain't so any more.

The Encounter with the Goddess

 - 1937-

    There is one story and one story only
    That will prove worth your telling

        —Robert Graves, “To Juan at the Winter Solstice

That one story worth your telling
Is the ancient tale of the encounter
With the goddess
Declares the poet Robert Graves 

You can come and see 
A sublime bronze avatar of the goddess
Standing in the harbor holding a book and lifting a torch
Among us her name is Liberty

She has many names and she is everywhere
You can also find her easily 
Inside yourself—
Don’t be afraid—

Just do whatever she tells you to do

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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