Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A prelude to summer

four-spotted skimmer
four-spotted skimmer
Photo by J. Harrington

Today brought my first sighting of the year of squadrons of dragonflies patrolling the air space over the "wet spot" in the back yard. If only they also preyed on ticks, of which there's an overabundance this year. Most of the dragonflies look like they're four-spotted skimmers, at least the few I saw perched yesterday while doing yard chores did.

A whitetail deer briefly wandered into the open field behind the house at midday, presumably to let today's 15 mph "moderate breeze" blow away the flies and mosquitoes that have arrived recently. The deer didn't have a fawn with her, but at this time iof year s/he wouldn't have visible antlers either so we won't speak to gender.

Since the current temperature is 87℉, we're hard pressed to believe the high on Thursday will only be in the upper forties, but that's North Country weather these days, a never-ending roller coaster ride. If there's a "moderate breeze" blowing onThursday, we may be back in wind chill season, despite the imminence of Memorial Day. May we all enjoy a summer of gentle breezes, cumulous clouds broken by lots of sunshine, and moderate temperatures.

Don't forget to check the supermoon tomorrow!

Fly, Dragonfly!

Water nymph, you have
climbed from the shallows to don
your dragon-colors.
Perched on a reed stem
all night, shedding your skin, you dry
your wings in moonlight.
Night melts into day.
Swift birds wait to snap you up.
Fly, dragonfly! Fly!

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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