Monday, February 7, 2022

Countdown to Valentine’s Day

One week from today we all, if we’re lucky, get to tell our loved ones how much we love them (and vice versa). It will also mean we’re halfway through February, which, I choose to believe, is Mother Nature’s way of telling me she loves me.

a Valentine centerpiece
a Valentine centerpiece
Photo by J. Harrington

It probably doesn’t count as an early Valentine, despite the splash of bright red at the feeder, but the strategy we mentioned a week or so ago, of returning a tray feeder to service and see if that worked to entice cardinals back to the feeder, seems to be paying off. At least it did once, a couple of days ago, we had a male cardinal at the tray feeder in the middle of the afternoon.

As of this morning, we’ve officially entered our own version of the 2021 taxes season. I’ve got the income piece mostly organized. Tomorrow we’ll begin organizing the charitable deductions part. My target is to be able to deliver our completed tax organizer to our preparer on or around Valentine’s Day, as a way  of proving to myself how much I love me by getting it done and gone.

If You Feel Sorry 

By Ted Kooser

If you feel sorry for yourself
this Valentine's Day, think of
the dozens of little paper poppies
left in the box when the last
of the candy is gone, how they
must feel, dried out and brown
in their sad old heart-shaped box,
without so much as a single finger
to scrabble around in their
crinkled petals, not even
one pimpled nose to root and snort
through their delicate pot pourri.
So before you make too much
of being neglected, I want you
to think how they feel.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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