Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Leaf me alone to get organized!

[Google is still making it difficult to add photos.]

It’s probably my fault that we’re in line for some unseasonably warm weather. A week or ten days ago I swapped my summer pjs for fleece-lined sweats. Of course, now I get overheated about every night. The windy weather? Also my fault. I keep clearing the leaves from the stoop and away from the front of the garage using our electric leaf blower. Then I chase them down the driveway. Of course, that prompts Mother Nature to huff and puff another load of leaves out of the trees and off the garage roof down to the front of the garage and onto the stoop. She knows how she likes to have the place decorated for Thanksgiving and won't tolerate my feeble efforts to modify her arrangements.

At least most of yesterday’s voting turned out to my satisfaction. The outcomes restored a smidgeon of my hope for the future of the human race, although there’s lots of countervailing evidence in today’s news. November’s persistent cloudy weather doesn’t much help my overall outlook. I keep thinking that restoring order to my personal life would boost my spirits but then I look at the many stacks of read, partially read, and unread books and am struck with a sense of futility [tsundoku]. I keep arguing with myself about authors versus genres versus themes as primary, secondary and tertiary sorts without resolving anything. Yes, thank you, I have considered, and rejected, arranging the books by the color(s) of their spines. I doubt I’ll be any more successful with books than I have been with flies and fly boxes. Sigh!!!

It may again [still?] be time for me to follow some of my own advice and

  • live in the moment
  • one day at a time
  • don’t sweat the small stuff
  • remember, it’s all small stuff

The Long Hand Wishes It Was Used

Sometimes I wish I didn't think in words
and that instead for each thought I thought I drew upon an image,
and that I was able to organize each image in a linear way that would be like sort of like reading
and that instead of trying to describe the edges around something
I could just think the color around the edges of the image to be darker,
that the detail on the image could become more or less detailed depending
on how much clarity I believe I needed to disclose at the time
For instance, instead of saying love, I could just think watermelon
I could just think of a watermelon cut in half, lying open on a picnic table
The inside would be just as moist as it was pink
I could picture cutting up pieces and giving them out to my friends.
It wouldn't have to be sunny
It wouldn't have to be anything else then just that
It would really simplify my walk home at night,
where every thought I think is some contrived line I repeat over and over to myself
Words are always just replaced with new ones
The pictures would never need to know otherwise

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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