Thursday, November 16, 2023

Seasoned giving, this hard thing

Here in Minnesota, today is “Give to the Max Day.” My email inbox and our snail mail box have been getting loaded with notices about how much we can help everyone and everything by donating early or today. I’ve contributed to a few organizations and rejected more opportunities than I’ve supported. Many requests don’t do a good job of explaining what the organization actually accomplishes. That’s unfortunate. I realize that we’re better off than many and feel an obligation to help, but I also feel an obligation to be responsible in my giving.

At one point I must have supported an organization that sold my name and email address because I’m getting requests from folks i’d never consider giving a donation and, as I get more and more of them, I become more critical in my screening of all potential contributions. That’s not really how I like to enter the giving season. Of course, I also fail to understand why “moderate” Republicans and all Democrats haven’t made it clear to the dozen or two radical Republicans that they’ll never get any support because they’re making everyone look bad.

what are you hoping for under the tree?
what are you hoping for under the tree?
Photo by J. Harrington

On a brighter note, I’m thankful we’ll get through the holidays before the country faces the next government shutdown crisis. I’m thankful things aren’t worse than they are. I’m looking forward to being thankful that governments throughout the world have become more responsible, less warmongerish, and more focused on addressing climate change and loss of biodiversity. (It doesn’t cost any more to wish big than small.) The package I’m looking for is me, happy and healthy; plus the same for those in my family, my friends, my home state, my country, and my (our) world. We can do it if we all try. Just ask Carrie Newcomer.

You Can Do This Hard Thing

by Carrie Newcomer

There at the table
With my head in my hands
A column of numbers
I just did not understand
You said “Add these together
Carry the two, now you."

You can do this hard thing
You can do this hard thing
It′s not easy I know but
I believe that it's so
You can do this hard thing

At a cold winter station
Breathing into our gloves
It would change me forever
Leaving for God knows what
You carried my bags
You said "I′ll wait for you"

You can do this hard thing
You can do this hard thing
It's not easy I know but
I believe that it's so
You can do this hard thing

Late at night I called
And you answered the phone
The worst it had happened
And I did not want to be alone
You quietly listened
You said “We′ll see this thru"

You can do this hard thing
You can do this hard thing
It′s not easy I know but
I believe that it's so
You can do this hard thing

Here we stand breathless
And pressed in hard times
Hearts hung like laundry
On backyard clothes lines
Impossible just takes
A little more time

From the muddy ground
Comes a green volunteer
In a place we thought
Barren new life appears
Morning will come whistling
Some comforting tune for you

You can do this hard thing
You can do this hard thing
It′s not easy I know but
I believe that it's so
You can do this hard thing

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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