Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A different kind of power

Chicago county is at the southern end of Minnesota's Eighth Congressional District. With the exception of some sand and gravel operations, we don't know of any significant mining operations in the county. Toward the northern extremities of the CD, iron/taconite mining has been in operation for some time. More recently, "hard rock" sulfite ore mining is being proposed, primarily for copper-nickel mining. From what we've read, mining is an energy intensive operation with numerous opportunities to improve energy efficiency. Electricity is the second largest fuel consumed in the US mining industry. The United Nations has identified how mining can contribute to the world's Sustainable Development Goals. Minnesota continues to oppose the prospect of copper mining because of the risk/reward profile of such untested operations. Meanwhile, at the southern end of the CD, Chisago county has been successfully moving ahead with a previously untested approach to providing power to the school system and enhancing the profitability of marginally useful spaces such as school roof tops and sub-prime farm land. Is there a lesson here that would help diversify the economy of the entire CD?

What we've been trying to understand for months and months and ... is how such a "leftish, progressive" sequence of actions took hold and got implemented in a basically conservative, Republican county that supported Trump over Clinton by almost 2 to 1.

source: Politico

Part of an explanation can be found in this piece from MinnPost: "Chisago County has become a case study in the possibilities and politics of solar energy in Greater Minnesota." [We'll wait while you read it.]

Chisago county solar farm under construction
Chisago county solar farm under construction
Photo by J. Harrington

There's a theory and strategy in the economic development field known as "plugging the leaks." Picture a local economy as a bucket that has some holes in it. The holes are where funds (electric utility profits?) leave the community rather than recirculating as a local flow. Chisago county and the school district are plugging holes in their local economy, in addition to adding to its diversity. And yet, the Chisago voters went heavily for a candidate who's doing his best to revive coal power and expand oil development, climate change be damned. Are people not connecting the dots, or are they connecting dots in ways that progressives and neoliberal don't yet understand?

Chisago county solar farm in operation
Chisago county solar farm in operation
Photo by J. Harrington

It's becoming more and more clear to us that, if humans have much of a future ahead of them, then the future needs to be much more sustainable, even restorative, than has been the case in the past. Chisago county seems, in at least some surprising ways, headed in the right direction. (No pun or political observation implied.) We're constantly surprised as we drive around the county with the way "solar farms" seem to pop up like mushrooms during a wet Spring.

Minnesota is becoming known more and more for its growth in clean energy jobs. But, conservative think(?) tanks such as the Center of the American Experiment would have us return to those dirty energy days of yesteryear (Rising Electricity Prices Threaten Mining Jobs, the Iron Range). The mining industry itself is turning more and more to renewable energy. Here's a link to a data base of Solar & wind systems in the mining industry. Perhaps Minnesota's Iron Range leadership, as well as the Center of the American Experiment, should spend some time talking to those in Chisago county who helped bring about the transformation of marginal lands (and unused roof tops) into profitable, cost saving, energy generating activities. Could it be time for mining in northern Minnesota to help lead the way back to the future?

Heaven's Light

Playful waves of water
Caught the colors of the sky,
And cast the hues of sunset
Rippling softly in my eyes.

Mesmerizing moments,
Opened...wide to heaven's,
Heaven's light.

Then the lovely moon arose
She shimmered on the sea;
Sunlight beaming from her face,
To playful waves, then me...

Memserizing moments,
Opened...wide to heaven's,
Heaven's light.
Mesmerizing moments,
Opened...wide to heaven's,
Heaven's light...
Mind adrift,
From troubled shores...

[Guitar Solo]

Then the lovely moon arose
She shimmered on the sea;
Sunlight beaming from her face,
To playful waves, then me...

Mesmerizing moments,
Wide to heaven's,
heaven's light...
Mesmerizing moments,
Wide to heaven's, heaven's light...
Mind adrift
from troubled shores...

My mind adrift from
troubled shores...
I feel the gift of heaven's light...
Mmmm Mmmm
Heaven's light... Mmmm

Composed and performed by
Cherilynn Morrow and Jeff Ballard

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Please be kind to each other while you can.

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