Friday, September 7, 2018

Sightings this week #phenology

We are enjoying sunshine once again. Evenings the past few days have been full of visits from the "neighbors." Wednesday, we disturbed a flock of wild turkey hens that were cleaning up under the back birdseed feeder. Yesterday, three does posed under the pear tree but were gone by the time we got our camera. No sooner had we mentioned missing rose-breasted grosbeaks than they returned to the feeders a day or so ago, accompanied by some purple finches. Hummingbirds are still chasing one another around the nectar feeders.

tree frog on what once was a tree
tree frog on what once was a tree
Photo by J. Harrington

A few days ago we barely missed running over a couple of small hoppy toads (we think that's the technical term) as we parked the tractor. Today we noticed, as we once again filled one of the bird feeders with sunflower seeds, a little green frog on the front railing. We thing it's a  gray treefrog. S/he is either a twin to or the same one that came in on SiSi's head last week as SiSi finished checking the grass behind the house for turkey scents. (That's a dime for perspective on the frog's size.)

UPDATE: Tree frogs have an unusual coping strategy for Winter survival.

ruby meadowhawk, one of the dragonflies seen this week
ruby meadowhawk, one of the dragonflies seen this week
Photo by J. Harrington

The deer flies are gone. A few dragonflies but no butterflies have been seen this past week. Cooler nights and warm but not hot days are feeling nicely Autumnal. Now, if only we can shake the remnants of this Summer cold we caught a few days ago, we'll be more aligned with the season.

I’m Nobody! Who are you? (260)

Emily Dickinson18301886

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –  
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –  
To an admiring Bog!

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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