Friday, September 6, 2019

Climate Strike aka #FridaysForFuture

The Climate Strike is two (2) weeks from today. In a very pleasant surprise, we learned that there's a local event in the county. On September 20 at 7:45 am:
I'm attending a Climate Strike event at the Chisago County Government Center in Center City, Minnesota.
Workers and youth connecting in the community for a livable planet
Can you join me? Click here for details and to RSVP:

Once upon a time we were a youth and we've just about always been a worker. Not long ago we finished reading a book by Parker Palmer, On the Brink of Everything, in which he borrows a phrase from a Kris Kristofferson song, made famous by Janis Joplin: "“Old is just another word for nothing left to lose,..." We're always loved that song and, although we're not sure we'll ever have enough years to become a kinder, gentler version of ourselves, that's something we've let slip away, but we absolutely want to do what we can with the time and energy we have to make a world better for our offspring, descendants and fellow inhabitants of planet earth. We're too close to losing anything like a decent future to be comfortable pleading "old and tired." Parker Palmer has it right. Hope to see you on the 20th and at other actions to create a livable planet.

earth, Source, NASA

The Question

by Theo Dorgan

When the great ships come back,
and come they will,
when they stand in the sky
all over the world,
candescent suns by day,
radiant cathedrals in the night,
how shall we answer the question:

What have you done
with what was given you,
what have you done with
the blue, beautiful world?

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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