Sunday, November 7, 2021

Harry the hound says “Hi!"

Yesterday I saw a couple of bees checking out the few blossoms left. This coming Friday, for the  first time locally this season, there’s snowflakes in the weather forecast. I’ve decided that, if the  leaves get mulched, the  grass will be in better shape come spring. If the leaves don’t get mulched, there’ll be that many more places for queen bumblebees and other critters to overwinter. I need to take a similar approach to many other  aspects of life. There’s one good or another. It’s not all win / lose. That kind of perspective could actually result in some sense of tranquility, a rare and fleeting sensation these days.

Meanwhile, I’ve at a loss trying to understand what triggers prompt queen bees to “hibernate” and what causes drone bees to die instead of overwinter. Presumably they starve but I’ve not yet found a satisfactory description of the whole sequence of events.

SiSi says after the stress of meeting a new friend, nap time
SiSi says, after the stress of meeting a new friend, nap time
Photo by J. Harrington

We’re pleased to announce the arrival of a new member of the household. Harry the beagle has joined us as the Better Half’s personal rescuer dog. [photos soon] Franco, her border collie rescue dog, walked over  the rainbow bridge some weeks ago and, after a grieving period, the empty spaces in the house and our hearts are ready to be filled again. Harry is taking his time and carefully considering the implications of the new arrangements in his life, including sharing space with SiSi, my lab crossbreed rescue, who’s about twice Harry’s size and weight. So far, so good as they say. 

Man Dog

I envied the dog lying in the yard
so I did it. But there was a pebble
under my flank so I got up and looked
for the pebble, brushed it away
and lay back down. My dog thus far
overlooked the pebble. I guess it's her thick
Lab fur. With my head downhill the blood gorged
me with ideas. Not good. Got up. Turned around. Now I
see hundreds of infinitesimal ants. I'm on an
ant home. I get up and move five feet.
The dog hasn't moved from her serene place.
Now I'm rather too near a thicket where
I saw a big black snake last week that might decide
to join me. I moved near the actual dog this time
but she got up and went under the porch. She doesn't like
it when I'm acting weird. I'm failing as a dog
when my own kind rejects me, but doing better
than when I envied birds, the creature the least
like us, therefore utterly enviable. To be sure
I cheeped a lot but didn't try to fly.
We humans can take off but are no good at landing.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

1 comment:

  1. John , so sorry to read of Francos passing. These good souls stay with us for a while and then are on their way. And happy that Harry has found a home and rescued you and your wife. My childhood pet was a small beagle and she is the source of many family stories about her escapades. I know Harry will keep you equally amused. All the best, Kathleen
