Friday, January 27, 2023

Going local more

The wind is scouring some of the snow off the roof. There are brief patches of blue sky and glimpses of sunlight. A week from today we should begin to return to seasonable temperatures. I get my new glasses tomorrow. The Better Half returned from a morning excursion with a bundle of forsythia stems that will soon bloom. This time the township snow plow didn’t knock the mail box off its post. Things are looking at least mildly hopeful, plus:

Collisions of Earth and Sky

My email inbox brought a review of a book by a local author 👆that looks interesting. That author has a second book coming out early next month that looks at least as interesting as the one in the review I read. Then I discovered the author’s publisher has multiple books of poetry that I want to check out. The odds are better than even I won’t run out of things to read before the geese return this spring and I begin to spend more time outside.

Meanwhile, as the wind howls and the snow flies, I’ve been reading The Systems View of Life. It’s giving me hope for our future in part because it describes a prior transformative world view, from organic to mechanistic. The view is now being replaced by a systems view. When I remember reading about the difficulties and challenges Da Vinci, Galileo, Copernicus and others encountered convincing the powers that be of their times that the universe is not earth centric, I have at least a little more tolerance for the effort to convince current powers that be that neither is our earth homocentric nor inexhaustible.

Earth, You Have Returned to Me

Can you imagine waking up
every morning on a different planet,
each with its own gravity?

Slogging, wobbling,
wavering. Atilt
and out-of-sync
with all that moves
and doesn’t.

Through years of trial
and mostly error
did I study this unsteady way — 

changing pills, adjusting the dosage,
never settling.

A long time we were separate,
O Earth,
but now you have returned to me.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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