Monday, July 15, 2024

1968: deja vu all over again?*

FIRST: We WIN!    Then: we FIGHT!

Of the Democrats (Senior and Junior) that have called for President Biden to step down, or aside, as a candidate for this years election, have any of them suggested a stronger standard bearer? I suppose not, since there’s plenty of time [36 days] between now and the start of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 19. How hard could it be to pull together a majority of delegates from a coherent, well structured, tightly organized political party like the Democrats. After all, a similar approach worked in France for Macron, didn’t it?

Then, after having won the nomination at the convention, there’s a whole additional 75 days, approximately two and a half months, to convince a heavily fractured electorate to vote for a Johnny or Hilary come lately, because all the alternatives to President Biden are so well know and liked. Right?

I wonder how many of the Democratic leadership are old enough to remember the debacle that was the 1968 Democratic National Convention? Follow the link if you need a refresher. This year is beginning to look disturbingly similar. In 1968 the Democrats performed so well that they put Richard Nixon in the White House. I’ve stopped making any contributions to Democratic candidates this year until and unless the party strongly coheres behind the best available option to beat the orange turd and his hurd of MAGAts. Remember, there’s always the 25th Amendment once Biden wins. Republicans aren’t ever likely to try something like that.

* apologies to Yogi Berra for the plagiarism. AI made me do it!

The Soul of Spain With McAlmon and Bird the Publishers

In the rain in the rain in the rain in the rain in Spain. 
Does it rain in Spain? 
Oh yes my dear on the contrary and there are no bull fights. 
The dancers dance in long white pants 
It isn’t right to yence your aunts 
Come Uncle, let’s go home. 
Home is where the heart is, home is where the fart is. 
Come let us fart in the home. 
There is no art in a fart. 
Still a fart may not be artless. 
Let us fart an artless fart in the home. 
Bill says democracy must go. 
Go democracy. 

Bill’s father would never knowingly sit down at table with a Democrat. 
Now Bill says democracy must go. 
Go on democracy. 
Democracy is the shit. 
Relativity is the shit. 

Dictators are the shit. 
Menken is the shit. 
Waldo Frank is the shit. 
The Broom is the shit. 
Dada is the shit. 
Dempsey is the shit. 
This is not a complete list. 
They say Ezra is the shit. 
But Ezra is nice. 
Come let us build a monument to Ezra. 
Good a very nice monument. 
You did that nicely 
Can you do another? 
Let me try and do one. 
Let us all try and do one. 
Let the little girl over there on the corner try and do one. 
Come on little girl. 
Do one for Ezra. 
You have all been successful children. 
Now let us clean the mess up. 
The Dial does a monument to Proust. 
We have done a monument to Ezra. 
A monument is a monument. 
After all it is the spirit of the thing that counts.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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