Monday, July 1, 2024

All Hands: On Deck or Be Decked

  1. Please find me in contempt of the Roberts’ SCOTUS.
  2. Also, dismayed by POTUS performance at the recent “debate.”
  3. Disgusted that our political parties have put our democracy in this position and condition.
  4. Frustrated by the lack of a clear course of action to make things better.
  5. Absolutely refusing to throw up (my hands) in despair.
Where does that leave US?

Your Voice   Your Vote   USE IT

  1. Make sure you’re registered to vote and mark November 5 on your calendar.
  2. If you haven’t yet, please read Sarah Kendzior’s Hiding in Plain Sight and The View from Flyover Country.
  3. Also read Heather Cox Richardson’s Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America and subscribe (free or paid) to her Letters from an American.
  4. Remember that it won’t be enough for Democrats to have a trifecta if they don’t make necessary systemic changes to our systems of governance. The operative phrase is “No more Mr./Ms./Whatever Nice Guy/Gal/Other"
  5. If you’re not worn out by the preceding, take a look at the idea of being a Solutionary and see if you can get your local school and government to include it.
  6. Remember Kris Kristofferson’s great lyrics:

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose
 Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free"

If you have additional suggestions on how we can and should fix our longstanding governance problems, please feel free to leave a message.


I talk to the students in jail about freedom, how in America
we obsess over it, write it over flags on T-shirts, spread

it around under eagles. It has something to do with guns
and fireworks, Harley-Davidsons, New Hampshire, living free

until you’re dead. I tell the students I think the people
fetishizing freedom don’t mean it. That they really mean

look over here, away from all the slavery
we did, away from all the jail! I tell them they

are the experts, ask them to write what freedom means:
privacy is freedom and if  you feel held back, afraid

to do something, you’re not completely free.   No fear
of  loss. No fear of  hunger, no fear of  pain.   A body

to call my own, a voice driven by my own mind.
The security of a dry, warm place to sleep.   To own

my own time left here.   Being able to hold my son
at night.   Showering in private.   Freedom to me

is having the choice to walk away from a fight. Freedom
a work in progress. Everyday freedom, the real work for us all.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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