Tuesday, July 2, 2024

If at first, ....

I remember reading, some years ago, about an old lady who claimed "I don't vote. It just encourages them.” While her attitude is certainly understandable, it isn’t productive. There are beneficial responses to the current conditions we face. Some of them can be found here:

There are other organizations also focused on healing rather than hatred; collaboration instead of division; and creation rather than destruction. Follow one or all of the above links as you keep in mind that “more of the same never solved a problem” and that “insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.” Also, from my Boston boyhood: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

photo of ominous cloud bank
what may emerge from behind our clouds?
Photo by J. Harrington

Just as nature abhors a monoculture, we have brought to a logical extreme two party democracy, oligarchical capitalistic monopoly and neoliberalism. I’m not sure whether to be encouraged that we are not alone in suffering outrageous stupidity and shortsightedness from our institutions and those who would lead US. Britain has gone through Brexit. France and others are seeing the rising of the Right. Contentiousness is growing. All that’s missing so far is the spaceship full of aliens, scheduled to arrive this Thursday.

There are no kings in America 

we are not that kind of country.

We are sanctuary for the hungry,

the homeless, the huddled,

held together by an idea

our immigrant fathers believed in.

Rendered, it meant independence.

Pursued, it kindled war, ordinance,

a fighting chance. Forty thousand

musket balls, by themselves, did not

shape the boundaries on which we

map our days. To draw our borders,

we needed more than firecakes.

More than a pound of meat

with bone and gristle,

or salt fish and a gill of peas.

We needed the faith and grit of people

who were not yet Americans.

To be an American is to

recognize the sacrifice

of the widow and the orphan;

it is to understand the weft of tent

cities expecting caravans,

and the heft of a child in a camp

not meant for children, or sitting

before a judge awaiting judgement.

What do we say to the native

whose lands we now inhabit?

What do we say to our immigrant

fathers who held certain truths

to be self-evident?

Do we now still pledge to each

other our lives, our fortunes,

our sacred honor.

There are no kings in America.

Only gilded men we can topple

again and again.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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