Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Make America Great Again, Vote, but NOT for Felons!

I may have known, but forgot, or maybe I missed the announcement when it was made, but today I (re?)learned that there’s no incumbent in our Legislative District in this year’s election. I’m doubtful that will lead to being represented by a Democrat in our area, although that was the case when we first moved in. According to Ballotpedia, our district has leaned more and more Republican for the past decade or so. Since I have neither aspirations to nor any probability of becoming a billionaire, I lean heavily toward the left and find few, if any, uses for Republicans and even fewer for MAGAts. I truly never thought I’d live to see the day when a major political party would nominated a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist as its presidential candidate. So much for American exceptionalism. How about Make America Great Again, Don’t Vote for Felons!

Then again, the contrarian in me (yes, me) raises the question: If Joe Biden were more like Mitch McConnell, would we have Clarence Thomas, aided and abetted by Gini, on the SCOTUS? And why, when they had their trifecta, didn’t the Democrats incorporate Roe V. Wade in legislation? As long as I’m at it, the country would be better served, in my opinion, if we had a mandatory retirement age of 70 or so for all those elected or appointed folx who are on the federal payroll.

If you’d like to gain some insight into why I’m negative on both major parties and both elected and appointed officials, pick up a copy of Andrea Wulf's The Founding Gardners and read it. Those who first served as POTUS seemed to have a preference for the real life of the plantation and/or garden more so than a life of politics. We should be wise enough these days to realize that anyone’s strong aspiration to be elected nationally should disqualify them from office. If major sports leagues can have a draft, why not politics? As a former Speaker of the House from Massachusetts, Tip O’Neill, noted “All politics is local.” If you haven’t played on farm teams, you shouldn’t be allowed to buy your way into the big leagues. That would also help the bench strength of booth parties, but we shouldn’t be limited to two. Can you imagine if there were only two banks, two sports leagues, two tv networks, two internet providers? Why are there only two major political parties who are more indebted to a few corporations than to millions of taxpayers?

Why I Voted the Socialist Ticket

I am unjust, but I can strive for justice.
My life’s unkind, but I can vote for kindness.
I, the unloving, say life should be lovely.
I, that am blind, cry out against my blindness.

Man is a curious brute—he pets his fancies—
Fighting mankind, to win sweet luxury.
So he will be, though law be clear as crystal,
Tho’ all men plan to live in harmony.

Come, let us vote against our human nature,
Crying to God in all the polling places
To heal our everlasting sinfulness
And make us sages with transfigured faces.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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