Saturday, January 29, 2022

An icy grip eases

Have you noticed that the days’ daylight has lengthened? We could say days are getting more daylightful every day. A week from now, we’ll be enjoying almost 10 hours of daylight.

Yes, Virginia, even in the North Country is can rain in February
Yes, Virginia, even in the North Country is can rain in February
Photo by J. Harrington

Today, in honor of impending Imbolc, we started spring cleaning. Regardless of the state of the house, spring cleaning will be finished when nighttime low temperatures remain above freezing. That will be the time of year (early April) when attention is redirected to what’s going on outside our four walls. Birds will be nesting, trees will begin leafing, plants will be flowering, water will be flowing and the North Country will be aliving.

The dogs seem to sense that winter is waning. They’re more interested in exploring, following scents, and zooming about their run or inside the house when back from a walk. There will be more cold spells, and more snow storms before winter finally yields to spring but the change from winter into spring is inevitable, closer by the day, and music to my ears.

Cold Spring

The last few gray sheets of snow are gone,
winter’s scraps and leavings lowered
to a common level. A sudden jolt
of weather pushed us outside, and now
this larger world once again belongs to us.
I stand at the edge of it, beside the house,
listening to the stream we haven’t heard
since fall, and I imagine one day thinking
back to this hour and blaming myself
for my worries, my foolishness, today’s choices
having become the accomplished
facts of change, accepted
or forgotten. The woods are a mangle
of lines, yet delicate, yet precise,
when I take the time to look closely.
If I’m not happy it must be my own fault.
At the edge of the lawn my wife
bends down to uncover a flower, then another.
The first splurge of crocuses.
And for a moment the sweep and shudder
of the wind seems indistinguishable
from the steady furl of water
just beyond her.

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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