Friday, January 21, 2022

Preparation for “occasions of hope"

The picture below is of a print hanging on a wall in our family room. It highlights this phrase: “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.”

The charm of fishing
The charm of fishing
Photo by J. Harrington

After scanning today’s headlines and a social media timeline, I have concluded that my life needs more charm and to be focused on occasions for hope, which are rarely found in main stream media, although they do occur from time to time on social media. There are lots of good folks and organizations that are accomplishing much good in our world. They just too often seem to be outnumbered by the other kinds, you know, like Republicans and most global corporations.

I believe we acquired the print at a silent auction during a local Trout Unlimited fundraiser quite a few years back. Once upon a time we were much more active in the local TU chapters than we’ve been for a long time. Maybe it’s time to consider re-upping our level of volunteerism, if we can do so without increasing the risk of contracting COVID.

The point that I’m floundering around, trying to line up, is that restoring hope is a key aspect of my self-care. If you check the posts over the last week or so, it will be clear that I’m not likely to get out and enjoy the restorative powers of Nature when the temperature is much below 20℉ and the wind chill is even worse. So, the time has come to start fiddling with  the fly-fishing gear, making plans for pre-season scouting trips, and spending less (no?) time doom scrolling. We will now do our best to emulate the wonderful children’s book Spring is a New Beginning. Imbolc is but ten days away!

The Trout

 - 1874-1925

          Naughty little speckled trout,
          Can't I coax you to come out?
          Is it such great fun to play
          In the water every day?

          Do you pull the Naiads' hair
          Hiding in the lilies there?
          Do you hunt for fishes' eggs,
          Or watch tadpoles grow their legs?

          Do the little trouts have school
          In some deep sun-glinted pool,
          And in recess play at tag
          Round that bed of purple flag?

          I have tried so hard to catch you,
          Hours and hours I've sat to watch you;
          But you never will come out,
          Naughty little speckled trout!

Thanks for visiting. Come again when you can.
Please be kind to each other while you can.

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